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  • Climate Change Adaptation in Coastal Cities

    A Guidebook for Citizens, Public Officials and Planners

    David C. Major, Sirkku K. Juhola

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    This guidebook presents a framework for climate adaptation planning for coastal cities, large and small, focused on the central roles of citizens, public officials, and planners. The book is designed to help all stakeholders in coastal cities understand and develop effective adaptation measures in a sustainable way. Within a framework of eight key planning steps, guidance is provided for stakeholders in the adaptation process from initial assessments of climate impacts to final planning. 

    The work sets out general principles and methods of adaptation to climate change for many types of coastal communities. Adaptation is seen throughout the work as a process that should take into account all coastal assets, including economic, environmental, social, cultural and historical assets, with due attention to disadvantaged communities. Among the adaptation elements covered in the book are: a review of the current climate situation; climate impacts and vulnerabilities; climate models and future scenarios; physical, economic, social and other characteristics of coastal cities and towns; the range of available adaptations, including management, infrastructure, and policy adaptations; evaluation of projects and programs; and working together to develop and finance adaptations. 

    Numerous tables are presented to help organize information and guide planning, and examples of adaptation challenges and opportunities are provided from both developed and developing coastal cities and towns. The volume is copiously illustrated, with extensive up-to-date references to provide the reader with additional sources of information.

    David C. Major holds a PhD in Economics from Harvard University. He has been a faculty member at MIT and Clark University, and a long-time Senior Research Scientist at Columbia University (now retired). His scientific research focus is the adaptation of coastal cities and towns, large and small, to climate change.

    Sirkku Juhola holds a PhD from the University of East Anglia, UK, and has worked in Japan, Sweden, and Finland. She is a Professor at the University of Helsinki, leading the Urban Environmental Policy Group. Her research interests focus on governance and decision-making, climate change policy, and climate risk. She is a member of the Climate Panel of Finland.

    “Climate Change Adaptation in Coastal Cities is a useful manual for those engaged in planning for climate adaptation in large and small coastal cities across the world.

    I especially like the positive, simple and step-by-step tone of the entire volume, moving from general principles to methods of adaptation for different types of coastal communities. I also welcome the book’s inclusive focus on the different roles that citizens, public officials and planners play in the climate adaptation process, and its emphasis on the vital need for stakeholders to work together to develop and implement adaptation strategies. The examples of adaptation challenges and opportunities as well as the many tables and illustrations further reinforce the value of the book.”

    - Professor Emeritus Roberto Lenton, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA

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    Book Reviews (2):

      Review from 21 Dec 2023: Yhdyskuntasuunnittelu Vol 59 Nro. 2–3 (2021)
      Opas osallistavaan ilmastosopeutumiseen rannikkokaupungeissa

      Marja Järvelä

      Summary: Toimijakeskeisen tarkastelun sijasta teos on rakennettu ja rajattu sopeutumisen prosessin vaiheiden, tarkemmin sanoen suunnittelun ja arvioinnin askelmien varaan. Tämä vaikuttaa toimivalta ratkaisulta, kun pyrkimyksenä on tarjota opas-kirja kaupunkien omille toimijoille ja myös muille ilmastosopeutuksen tekijöille.

      Read the full review here

      Review from 13 Apr 2023: TERRA - Maantieteellinen aikakauskirja, Vol 135, No 1
      Rannikkokaupunkien sopeutumisen opaskirja kaikille

      Uula Saastamoinen

      Summary: Kaiken kaikkiaan kirja on kunnianhimoinen avaus käytännön tason opaskirjaksi, jonka avulla voidaan konkreettisesti edistää ilmastonmuutokseen sopeutumista rannikon asutuskeskuksissa. Teos toimii tiekarttana suunnittelun kaikissa eri vaiheissa, pyrkimyksenään mahdollistaa laajan toimijajoukon osallistaminen. Koska kirja on suunnattu niin ammattilaisille kuin kansalaisillekin, se onnistuu tuntumaan hyödylliseltä niin vähillä lähtötiedoilla lukemaan alkaneelle kuin uransa asian parissa tehneellekin.

      Read the full review here

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    How to cite this book
    Major D. & Juhola S. 2021. Climate Change Adaptation in Coastal Cities: A Guidebook for Citizens, Public Officials and Planners. Helsinki: Helsinki University Press. DOI: https://doi.org/10.33134/HUP-6
    Major, D.C. and Juhola, S.K., 2021. Climate Change Adaptation in Coastal Cities: A Guidebook for Citizens, Public Officials and Planners. Helsinki: Helsinki University Press. DOI: https://doi.org/10.33134/HUP-6
    Major, D Cand S K Juhola. Climate Change Adaptation in Coastal Cities: A Guidebook for Citizens, Public Officials and Planners. Helsinki University Press, 2021. DOI: https://doi.org/10.33134/HUP-6
    Major, D. C., & Juhola, S. K. (2021). Climate Change Adaptation in Coastal Cities: A Guidebook for Citizens, Public Officials and Planners. Helsinki: Helsinki University Press. DOI: https://doi.org/10.33134/HUP-6
    Major, David C., and Sirkku K. Juhola. 2021. Climate Change Adaptation in Coastal Cities: A Guidebook for Citizens, Public Officials and Planners. Helsinki: Helsinki University Press. DOI: https://doi.org/10.33134/HUP-6

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    Additional Information

    Published on June 7, 2021





    EPUB 978-952-369-026-4
    Mobi 978-952-369-027-1
    Paperback 978-952-369-024-0
    PDF 978-952-369-025-7
