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  • Finnish Settler Colonialism in North America

    Rethinking Finnish Experiences in Transnational Spaces

    Rani-Henrik Andersson, Janne Lahti (eds.)

    Book 2 in the AHEAD: Advanced Studies in the Humanities and Social Sciences series.
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    Finnish Settler Colonialism in North America reinterprets Finnish experiences in North America by connecting them to the transnational processes of settler colonial conquest, far-settlement, elimination of natives, and capture of terrestrial spaces. Rather than merely exploring whether the idea of Finns as a different kind of immigrant is a myth, this book challenges it in many ways. It offers an analysis of the ways in which this myth manifests itself, why it has been upheld to this day, and most importantly how it contributes to settler colonialism in North America and beyond.

    The authors in this volume apply multidisciplinary perspectives in revealing the various levels of Finnish involvement in settler colonialism. In their chapters, authors seek to understand the experiences and representations of Finns in North American spatial projects, in territorial expansion and integration, and visions of power. They do so by analyzing how Finns reinvented their identities and acted as settlers, participated in the production of settler colonial narratives, as well as benefitted and took advantage of settler colonial structures.

    Finnish Settler Colonialism in North America aims to challenge traditional histories of Finnish migration, in which Finns have typically been viewed almost in isolation from the broader American context, not to mention colonialism. The book examines the diversity of roles, experiences, and narrations of and by Finns in the histories of North America by employing the settler colonial analytical framework.

    Rani-Henrik Andersson (PhD) is senior university lecturer of North American Studies at the University of Helsinki and the principal investigator of HUMANA—Human Migration and Network Analysis: Developing New Research Methods for the Study of Human Migration and Social Change.

    Janne Lahti (PhD) is a historian who works at the University of Helsinki as an Academy of Finland research fellow. His research focuses on global and transnational histories of settler colonialism, borderlands, the American West, and Nordic colonialism. Lahti is also the editor-in-chief of the journal Settler Colonial Studies.

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    Book Reviews (3):

      Review from 21 Apr 2024: Terra Vol 136 Nro 1 (2024)
      Kirja-arvostelut: Monipuolista tutkimusta suomalaisesta asutuskolonialismista Pohjois-Amerikassa

      Raita Merivirta

      Summary: ”Finnish settler colonialism in North America ravistelee ansiokkaasti suomalaisten Pohjois-Amerikan siirtolaisuuteen liittyviä myyttejä kolonialistisesta ulkopuolisuudesta, viattomuudesta ja ekseptionalismista. Se osoittaa, että suomalaisten/kaan siirtolaisten historia Pohjois-Amerikassa ei ole erotettavissa mantereen asutuskolonialismin historiasta ja että ainakin osa Pohjois-Amerikkaan muuttaneista ja/tai siitä kirjoittaneista suomalaisista oli aktiivisesti mukana valloittamassa mannerta, syrjäyttämässä alkuperäiskansoja ja ottamassa haltuun maata, ja vielä useampi hyötyi asutuskolonialistisista rakenteista ja käytännöistä.”

      Read the full review here

      Review from 06 Feb 2024: The Western Historical Quarterly
      Book review - Finnish Settler Colonialism North America: Rethinking Finnish Experiences in Transnational Spaces

      Gary Kaunonen

      Summary: The book contains a collection of brain food for thought by reshaping previous scholarship on Finnish immigration thru summarizing and then critiquing past work while adding to contemporary understanding of a distinctive ethnic group.

      The full review cannot be displayed due to copyright restrictions.

      Review from 15 Dec 2023: American Studies in Scandinavia Vol. 55 No. 2 (2023)
      Book review - Finnish Settler Colonialism North America: Rethinking Finnish Experiences in Transnational Spaces

      Nancy Coggeshall

      Summary: Not wielding the might of the British, French, Spanish, or German empires, Nordic countries have long dismissed their participation in displacement activity. Finnish Settler Colonialism in North America: Rethinking Finnish Experiences in Transnational Spaces addresses those questions, ‘challenging traditional histories of Finnish migration’.

      Read the full review here

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    How to cite this book
    Andersson R. & Lahti J. (eds.) 2022. Finnish Settler Colonialism in North America: Rethinking Finnish Experiences in Transnational Spaces. Helsinki: Helsinki University Press. DOI: https://doi.org/10.33134/AHEAD-2
    Andersson, R.-H. and Lahti, J., 2022. Finnish Settler Colonialism in North America: Rethinking Finnish Experiences in Transnational Spaces. Helsinki: Helsinki University Press. DOI: https://doi.org/10.33134/AHEAD-2
    Andersson, R-Hand J Lahti. Finnish Settler Colonialism in North America: Rethinking Finnish Experiences in Transnational Spaces. Helsinki University Press, 2022. DOI: https://doi.org/10.33134/AHEAD-2
    Andersson, R.-H., & Lahti, J. (2022). Finnish Settler Colonialism in North America: Rethinking Finnish Experiences in Transnational Spaces. Helsinki: Helsinki University Press. DOI: https://doi.org/10.33134/AHEAD-2
    Andersson, Rani-Henrik, and Janne Lahti. 2022. Finnish Settler Colonialism in North America: Rethinking Finnish Experiences in Transnational Spaces. Helsinki: Helsinki University Press. DOI: https://doi.org/10.33134/AHEAD-2

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    Published on Dec. 29, 2022





    EPUB 978-952-369-081-3
    Paperback 978-952-369-079-0
    PDF 978-952-369-080-6
