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  • An Anthropology of Crosslocations

    Sarah Green, Samuli Lähteenaho, Phaedra Douzina-Bakalaki, Carl Rommel, Joseph J. Viscomi, Laia Soto Bermant, Patricia Scalco

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    An Anthropology of Crosslocations introduces a radical new approach to understanding location. The co-authors show that the question of where something is depends on how places are mutually connected and disconnected. The location of a place can be established by different logics, such as national borders, ecosystems, or economic zones. These different ways of classifying the relative value and significance of a place coexist and overlap: for example, national borders are regularly crosscut by ecosystems. By thinking of 'location' as a process defined by several different coexisting locating regimes, the book showcases a fresh way to think about the multiple and overlapping connections and disconnections between here and elsewhere. This approach can fundamentally revise ethnographic and anthropological views on the importance, value and significance of where people, things and animals are located and, as such, redefines the idea of ‘the field.’

    The volume brings together seven anthropologists who have worked together for six years. The chapters take the reader through a series of journeys around the Mediterranean region—to North Africa, the East Mediterranean, and Southern Europe. Each chapter unfolds an ethnographic or historical account of the coexistence of different values and meanings of location in different places.

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    How to cite this book
    Green, S et al. 2024. An Anthropology of Crosslocations. Helsinki: Helsinki University Press. DOI: https://doi.org/10.33134/HUP-23
    Green, S., Lähteenaho, S., Douzina-Bakalaki, P., Rommel, C., Viscomi, J.J., Soto Bermant, L. and Scalco, P., 2024. An Anthropology of Crosslocations. Helsinki: Helsinki University Press. DOI: https://doi.org/10.33134/HUP-23
    Green, S, et al.. An Anthropology of Crosslocations. Helsinki University Press, 2024. DOI: https://doi.org/10.33134/HUP-23
    Green, S., Lähteenaho, S., Douzina-Bakalaki, P., Rommel, C., Viscomi, J. J., Soto Bermant, L., & Scalco, P. (2024). An Anthropology of Crosslocations. Helsinki: Helsinki University Press. DOI: https://doi.org/10.33134/HUP-23
    Green, Sarah, Samuli Lähteenaho, Phaedra Douzina-Bakalaki, Carl Rommel, Joseph J. Viscomi, Laia Soto Bermant, and Patricia Scalco. 2024. An Anthropology of Crosslocations. Helsinki: Helsinki University Press. DOI: https://doi.org/10.33134/HUP-23

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    Published on May 28, 2024





    EPUB 978-952-369-102-5
    Paperback 978-952-369-100-1
    PDF 978-952-369-101-8


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