The university is struggling to keep up with the demands of a fast-changing world, and, as a system, higher education generally does not respond quickly to change. Its institutions produce valuable knowledge about social issues and problems, but this is so often not followed by action constructively using that knowledge to effectively address these problems.
Shaping the Future of Higher Education generates knowledge to enable researchers, teachers and leadership in higher education to learn how to positively embrace constant change through innovative, collaborative, systemic, critical and creative thinking and action. Through a participatory and transformative paradigm, it strives to create knowledge to enable everyone involved in higher education to move from talking about change to actioning it. The book presents possible structures and processes for learning, teaching, research, community engagement and leadership. It provides pathways to shape a higher education system that is inclusive and student-centred, that promotes knowledge democracy, and is responsive to and relevant for dealing with pressing social issues as they arise.
The contributing authors of this book are internationally renowned researchers with years of experience in their respective roles in higher education. Their ideas will benefit all who are involved in, concerned about, and/or actively promote most effective higher education practices.
Lesley Wood is an Extraordinary Professor and founder of the Community-Based Educational Research entity in the Faculty of Education, North-West University, South Africa.
Ortrun Zuber-Skerritt is an Extraordinary Professor in Community-Based Educational Research in the Faculty of Education, North-West University, South Africa, and an Adjunct Professor at Griffith University, Australia.
‘There are two stories to tell about issues in our world: the story told from the outside through expert analysis and the story from the inside told by those with direct experience. The editors and authors of this exciting volume, each of whom has extensive experiences as researcher, teacher and administrator in higher education explore the story and challenges of contemporary higher education from the inside. Their voice must be heard.’
- David Coghlan, Professor Emeritus, Dublin University, Trinity College, Ireland
‘Civilisation is in peril. Universities could contribute to rescuing it. Instead, most currently fail badly. Many of their educators know and say as much. Now, this timely and important book raises the issues. The distinguished editors and superbly-chosen authors explain how this crisis came about. Importantly, they explain what must now be done.’
- Bob Dick, Adjunct Professor, Southern Cross University, Australia
‘This compelling book is a must read for anybody interested in the future direction of higher education (HE). Ranging from local insights to global perspectives, it provides a different approach to considering the rapidly-changing world.
This book rejects the more traditional, elitist, expert-centric, hierarchical, Western-dominated characteristics of HE. Its focus on community participatory concepts (including a ‘bottom-up’ approach, sustainability, people-before-profits, educating change agents to working for the community's benefit, inclusivity, etc) and a repudiation of self-interest.
Each internationally-recognised contributor believes in action learning and action research which values community-based participation, collaboration, partnerships, alliances, etc. However, each contributor also brings unique expertise developed in different geographical locations and backgrounds to reflect on the topic.
Both educational experts and lay readers should find this an easy read – it is well structured and jargon-free.’
- Bill Synnot, widely recognised leading consultant specialising in change management
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Wood L. & Zuber-Skerritt O. (eds.) 2024. Shaping the Future of Higher Education: Positive and Sustainable Frameworks for Navigating Constant Change. Helsinki: Helsinki University Press. DOI:
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This book has been peer reviewed. See our Peer Review Policies for more information.
Published on Oct. 24, 2024
EPUB | 978-952-369-111-7 |
Paperback | 978-952-369-109-4 |
978-952-369-110-0 |