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  • Nordic Homicide in Deep Time

    Lethal Violence in the Early Modern Era and Present Times

    Janne Kivivuori, Mona Rautelin, Jeppe Büchert Netterstrøm, Dag Lindström, Guðbjörg S. Bergsdóttir, Jónas O. Jónasson, Martti Lehti, Sven Granath, Mikkel M. Okholm, Petri Karonen

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    Nordic Homicide in Deep Time draws a unique and detailed picture of developments in human interpersonal violence and presents new findings on rates, patterns, and long-term changes in lethal violence in the Nordics. Conducted by an interdisciplinary team of criminologists and historians, the book analyses homicide and lethal violence in northern Europe in two eras – the 17th century and early 21st century.

    Similar and continuous societal structures, cultural patterns, and legal cultures allow for long-term and comparative homicide research in the Nordic context. Reflecting human universals and stable motives, such as revenge, jealousy, honour, and material conflicts, homicide as a form of human behaviour enables long-duration comparison. By describing the rates and patterns of homicide during these two eras, the authors unveil continuity and change in human violence.

    Where and when did homicide typically take place? Who were the victims and the offenders, what where the circumstances of their conflicts? Was intimate partner homicide more prevalent in the early modern period than in present times? How long a time elapsed from violence to death? Were homicides often committed in the context of other crime? The book offers answers to these questions among others, comparing regions and eras. We gain a unique and empirically grounded view on how state consolidation and changing routines of everyday life transformed the patterns of criminal homicide in Nordic society. The path to pacification was anything but easy, punctuated by shorter crises of social turmoil, and high violence.

    The book is also a methodological experiment that seeks to assess the feasibility of long-duration standardized homicide analysis and to better understand the logic of homicide variation across space and over time. In developing a new approach for extending homicide research into the deep past, the authors have created the Historical Homicide Monitor. The new instrument combines wide explanatory scope, measurement standardization, and articulated theory expression. By retroactively expanding research data to the pre-statistical era, the method enables long-duration comparison of different periods and areas. Based on in-depth source critique, the approach captures patterns of criminal behaviour, beyond the control activity of the courts. The authors foresee the application of their approach in even remoter periods.

    Nordic Homicide in Deep Time helps the reader to understand modern homicide by revealing the historical continuities and changes in lethal violence. The book is written for professionals, university students and anyone interested in the history of human behaviour.

    Nordic Homicide in Deep Time is an outstanding work of social science history: rigorous, theoretically sophisticated, and thought-provoking. It offers invaluable insights into the motives and circumstances of homicides, past and present, and into the debates among historians, criminologists, and sociologists over how the character and incidence of homicides have changed since early modern times.’

    - Professor Randolph Roth, Ohio State University, US

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    Book Reviews (3):

      Review from 16 Feb 2024: Historisk Tidskrift Vol 144 Nr 1 (2024)
      Janne Kivivuori et al, Nordic homicide in deep time: Lethal violence in the early modern era and present times (Helsingfors: Helsinki University Press 2022). 358 s.

      Roddy Nilsson

      Summary: “Sammanfattningsvis kan sägas att det arbete som ligger till grund för Nordic homicide in deep time är innovativt och i varje fall på nordisk botten nyskapande på framför allt två punkter: dels genom den metoddesign som utvecklandet av den nämnda databasen innebär vilket ger möjligheter att på ett helt annat sätt än tidigare systematisera kunskapen på området, dels genom att på ett genomreflekterat sätt applicera en samhällsvetenskaplig-kriminologisk teoriapparat på historiska data.”

      Read the full review here

      Review from 09 May 2023: Acta Sociologica
      Book review: Kivivuori, J., Rautelin, M., Netterstrøm, J. B., Lindström, D., Bergsdóttir, G., Jónasson, J., Lehtti, M., Granath, S., Okholm, M. M. & Karonen, P., Nordic Homicide in Deep Time; Lethal Violence in the Early Modern Era and Present Times, Helsinki: Helsinki University Press, 2022, pp. 356, https://doi.org/10.33134/HUP-15

      Manuel Eisner

      Summary: Nordic Homicide in Deep Time is a rich study that brings together historical scholarship, criminological expertise, and wider sociological theories of modernity and its effects on interpersonal violence. The book is an important contribution to a dynamic field of research at the intersection between criminology, social history and general theories of Western modernity.

      The full review cannot be displayed due to copyright restrictions.

      Review from 09 Feb 2023: International Criminology (2023)
      Kivivuori et al.: Nordic Homicide in Deep Time

      Katharina Krüsselmann & Marieke Liem

      Summary: Overall, Nordic Homicide in Deep Time constitutes an invaluable contribution to current criminological, historical and sociological research. And, it is in the methodological approach that this book truly stands out from previous works. This book is the unmistakable result of an extensive project by experienced researchers with both topical, as well as methodological expertise.

      Read the full review here

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    How to cite this book
    Kivivuori, J et al. 2022. Nordic Homicide in Deep Time: Lethal Violence in the Early Modern Era and Present Times. Helsinki: Helsinki University Press. DOI: https://doi.org/10.33134/HUP-15
    Kivivuori, J., Rautelin, M., Büchert Netterstrøm, J., Lindström, D., Bergsdóttir, G.S., Jónasson, J.O., Lehti, M., Granath, S., Okholm, M.M. and Karonen, P., 2022. Nordic Homicide in Deep Time: Lethal Violence in the Early Modern Era and Present Times. Helsinki: Helsinki University Press. DOI: https://doi.org/10.33134/HUP-15
    Kivivuori, J, et al.. Nordic Homicide in Deep Time: Lethal Violence in the Early Modern Era and Present Times. Helsinki University Press, 2022. DOI: https://doi.org/10.33134/HUP-15
    Kivivuori, J., Rautelin, M., Büchert Netterstrøm, J., Lindström, D., Bergsdóttir, G. S., Jónasson, J. O., … Karonen, P. (2022). Nordic Homicide in Deep Time: Lethal Violence in the Early Modern Era and Present Times. Helsinki: Helsinki University Press. DOI: https://doi.org/10.33134/HUP-15
    Kivivuori, Janne, Mona Rautelin, Jeppe Büchert Netterstrøm, Dag Lindström, Guðbjörg S. Bergsdóttir, Jónas O. Jónasson, Martti Lehti, Sven Granath, Mikkel M. Okholm, and Petri Karonen. 2022. Nordic Homicide in Deep Time: Lethal Violence in the Early Modern Era and Present Times. Helsinki: Helsinki University Press. DOI: https://doi.org/10.33134/HUP-15

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    Published on Feb. 16, 2022





    EPUB 978-952-369-064-6
    Mobi 978-952-369-065-3
    Paperback 978-952-369-062-2
    PDF 978-952-369-063-9
