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  • Nuancing Young Masculinities

    Helsinki Boys’ Intersectional Relationships in New Times

    Marja Peltola, Ann Phoenix

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    Nuancing Young Masculinities tells a complex story about the plurality of young masculinities. It draws on the narratives of Finnish young people (mostly boys) of different social classes and ethnicities who attend schools in Helsinki, Finland. Their accounts of relations with peers, parents, and teachers give insights into boys’ experiences and everyday practices at school, home, and in leisure time.

    The theoretical insights in this volume are wide-ranging, illuminating the plurality of masculinities, their dynamism, and intersections with other social identities. The young people’s enthusiastic and reflexive engagement with the research dispels stereotypes of boys and masculinities and offers a unique and holistic re-imagining of masculinities. Nuancing Young Masculinities provides a nuanced and compelling understanding of young masculinities.

    Marja Peltola is University Lecturer in Gender Studies at Tampere University. A sociologist and youth researcher by background, her research interests relate to intersectionality, gender, racialisation and personal relationships.

    Ann Phoenix is Professor of Psychosocial Studies at UCL Institute of Education. Her research interests are intersectional and psychosocial, including work on motherhood, social identities, young people, racialisation and gender and narrative methodology.

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    Book Reviews (5):

      Review from 30 Apr 2024: NORA - Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research, Volume 32 Issue 2 (2024)
      Nuancing Young Masculinities: Helsinki Boys’ Intersectional Relationships in New Times by Ann Phoenix and Marja Peltola, Helsinki, Helsinki University Press, 2022, 232 pp., $43.19 (paperback), ISBN: 978-952-369-066-0

      Baird Campbell

      Summary: “’Nuancing Young Masculinities: Helsinki Boys’ Intersectional Relationships in New Times’ is a methodologically rigorous, engagingly written, and exciting new addition to the field of masculinity studies.”

      The full review cannot be displayed due to copyright restrictions.

      Review from 13 Mar 2024: Sosiologia 1/2024 (VOL. 61)
      Suomalaisten poikien muuttuvat, moninaiset maskuliinisuudet

      Inka Tähkä

      Summary: Teos valaisee kiinnostavasti helsinkiläisten nuorten elämää ja läpi kirjan tulee selväksi sen olennainen anti: muiden normatiivisten sukupuoli- ja ihmisyyskäsitysten tavoin myös nuoret maskuliinisuudet näyttävät muuttuvan ja nyansoituvan, vaikkakin hitaasti ja ei-lineaarisesti.

      Read the full review here

      Review from 26 Oct 2023: Nuorisotutkimus Volume 41 (2023): TEEMANUMERO Nuorisotutkimus 3 2023
      Arviot: Millaisia merkityksiä etenkin nuoret pojat antavat maskuliinisuuksille?

      Alma Rinta-Pollari

      Summary: “Kaiken kaikkiaan kirja antaa tärkeitä näkökulmia sukupuolentutkijoiden lisäksi myös esimerkiksi opettajille ja muille nuorten parissa työskenteleville, kuten nuoriso-ohjaajille ja sosiaalityöntekijöille.”

      Read the full review here

      Review from 07 Jun 2023: YOUNG: Nordic Journal of Youth Research
      Book review: M. Peltola and A. Phoenix, Nuancing Young Masculinities: Helsinki Boys’ Intersectional Relationship in New Times

      Lucy Eldred

      Summary: The authors situate their findings more broadly within the history of critical men’s studies and in the present context, serving to thoughtfully de-essentialize masculinities and understandings thereof. What I believe this book does well is showing us the multiplicity of factors that mediate the ability of these young people to adapt their practices to such values. This book is of great value to researchers in the field of gender studies, especially in the context of critical men’s studies. It is an enlightening and engaging read on the complexities of young masculinities.

      Read the full review here

      Review from 01 Dec 2022: Sukupuolentutkimus-Genusforskning Vol 35, Nro 3–4 (2022)
      Poikien maskuliinisuudet muuttuvat hitaasti

      Henri Hyvönen

      Summary: Kokonaisuutena Peltolan ja Phoenixin teos onnistuu tekemään muuttuvia maskuliinisuuksia koskevan keskustelun ja poikatutkimuksen risteyksessä vallinneeseen tutkimusaukkoon merkittävän kontribuution. Teos on pakollista luettavaa niille tutkijoille, jotka pyrkivät hyödyntämään muuttuvia maskuliinisuuksia koskevaa keskustelua suomalaisessa sosioekonomisessa kontekstissa.

      Read the full review here

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    How to cite this book
    Peltola M. & Phoenix A. 2022. Nuancing Young Masculinities: Helsinki Boys’ Intersectional Relationships in New Times. Helsinki: Helsinki University Press. DOI: https://doi.org/10.33134/HUP-16
    Peltola, M. and Phoenix, A., 2022. Nuancing Young Masculinities: Helsinki Boys’ Intersectional Relationships in New Times. Helsinki: Helsinki University Press. DOI: https://doi.org/10.33134/HUP-16
    Peltola, Mand A Phoenix. Nuancing Young Masculinities: Helsinki Boys’ Intersectional Relationships in New Times. Helsinki University Press, 2022. DOI: https://doi.org/10.33134/HUP-16
    Peltola, M., & Phoenix, A. (2022). Nuancing Young Masculinities: Helsinki Boys’ Intersectional Relationships in New Times. Helsinki: Helsinki University Press. DOI: https://doi.org/10.33134/HUP-16
    Peltola, Marja, and Ann Phoenix. 2022. Nuancing Young Masculinities: Helsinki Boys’ Intersectional Relationships in New Times. Helsinki: Helsinki University Press. DOI: https://doi.org/10.33134/HUP-16

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    Additional Information

    Published on April 5, 2022





    EPUB 978-952-369-068-4
    Mobi 978-952-369-069-1
    Paperback 978-952-369-066-0
    PDF 978-952-369-067-7


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